
Pitch is the highness or lowness of any sound. Now this is not a technical scientific article in that sense, so it will be assumed that the reader understands what is “high” and “low” in pitch without any scientific explanations provided for understanding the terms, and we will not discuss the scientific technicalities and physics of sound relationships and production, but only the actual notes.
If pitch is represented on a long vertical line so that various points higher or lower on that line depict higher and lower pitches respectively, then there is a certain fixed distance/length on that line which represents what is known as an “octave”: if we start with a sound at a certain pitch and mark it as a point on that line, and then keep taking the voice higher and higher, we will reach another point further up where we find what is clearly the same sound at a higher pitch: (technically this is because the second sound is formed out of twice the number of wave cycles per second, measured in hertz, as the first sound, but we will not concern ourselves with these technicalities).
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